What Causes Slow Drains in My Septic System?

Many homes rely on a septic system for waste disposal. Over time, systems often exhibit slow drainage for one reason or another. Various factors lead to this, including full, unpumped septic tanks, obstructed pipes, over-saturated drain fields, soil clogging, tree root invasion, or design and installation flaws.

How do I fix Slow Drains?

To fix slow drains from septic systems, homeowners should inspect both the tank and the drain field for potential problems or visible clogs. Once the slow drain problem is identified, you’ll know if you need to use a simple septic system treatment, pump your tank, unclog an obstructed pipe, or seek professional expertise for maintenance. As a preventive measure, HOTROD Septic Treatment can be used – this treatment solution breaks down problem materials like grease, oil, and paper before they lead to clogs or blockages, while at the same time supercharging the biology of your septic system. Your septic tank biology is often not doing its job due to antibacterial soaps and cleaning products killing off the bacteria that break down the solid wastes in the system. HOTROD Septic treatment enables your septic system to operate at peak performance thus clearing blockages, improving drainage, and minimizing the chances of having a major septic system problem that can cause expensive repairs and environmental contamination on your property.

Understanding Slow Drainage in Septic Systems and How to Fix It

Though incredibly important, many people neglect their septic systems. Often, because they simply do not know that maintenance is required. These systems are designed for efficiency and low maintenance, but with age and natural issues, problems happen – including slow drainage. But what causes this, and more importantly, how can you fix it?

When you experience slow drainage in your home or at your place of business, it often points towards issues within your septic system. In our experience, the most common causes for slow septic drainage are:

Overfilled Septic Tanks

Your tank is where all the wastewater, greywater, and blackwater, from your home goes when it leaves your house. Greywater is from the sinks, tubs, dishwasher, washing machine, etc., while blackwater is from the toilets. As the system breaks down everything that goes into it, solid waste accumulates at the bottom while scum floats to the top and treated water flows out into the drainfield where it’s further filtered through the soil. Without proper, periodic removal of solids inside the tank, the waste on the bottom continues to fill up, eventually getting to a level that restricts or even stops the flow of wastewater going into the tank. This results in slower drainage. To deal with this, pumping your septic tank is important. It should be pumped regularly, typically every 3-5 years, according to the experts. If you’ve already pumped your septic tank recently and it’s suddenly full again, consulting with a professional is the best bet. Implementing water-conserving practices and using a septic treatment solution are good preventive measures that will help maintain the system and prevent it from filling up too quickly. 

Obstructed Inlet or Outlet Pipes

The pipe that leads into your septic tank is called the inlet baffle, and the pipe that lets water into the drainfield is called the outlet baffle. Both of these pipes are prone to blockages, often caused by non-degradable items getting stuck, grease put down the drain getting trapped, or solid waste getting stuck while traveling to the tank. If one of these pipes is blocked, the water has a harder time flowing through it, making it drain slowly as it makes its way past the clog. Most clogs are difficult to deal with without the help of an experienced technician, but some people have found success through home remedies or septic system unclogging treatments.

Compromised Drain Fields

The drain field acts as the dispersal point where liquid waste is absorbed into the ground as it exits through the outlet baffle pipe. If the soil becomes saturated with organic matter, called biofilm, or becomes too compacted to easily absorb water, the result is slow drainage. One way this can happen is when salt is introduced into the system. The sodium molecules from the salt interact with the clay in the soil, making it become more dense. The most effective way to treat an over-saturated drain field or materials that don’t easily break down, like salts, is with biologic additives. But be careful! A lot of advertised treatment products can actually make problems worse, killing off important biological enzymes required for septic system function. Not only that, but some products, emulsifiers, make problems even worse than doing nothing would! These emulsifiers simply break apart solids without digesting them, leading them to clog up the drain field.  Do your research before adding anything to your septic tank, and make sure you’re using a treatment solution that breaks down and digests material that’s expert-backed and trusted by professionals – like HOTROD Septic Treatment.

Tree Root Invasion

Tree and shrub roots, sensing moisture, grow towards and intrude into septic pipes if they’re planted too close to the system. If the tree roots get too integrated into the system, it causes blockages and can even lead to more serious problems, like breakages. There are preventive measures to take, like keeping a safe distance between deep-rooted plants and your system, but if it’s already compromised, you need to call a plumbing or septic expert.

Design or Installation Flaws

Sometimes, the problem is foundational. If the septic system isn’t designed for the volume of wastewater it takes in, or if there were errors during its installation, drainage issues or other problems will arise. The only way you identify or fix this is with the help of an expert. Calling the installation company is a good place to start.

At the end of the day, a good rule of thumb is always to seek professional expertise when in doubt. The experts will offer insights, suggest remedies, and even provide routine septic maintenance schedules to make sure your system runs without hiccups.

HOTROD Septic Treatment: A Preventive and Remedial Measure

Taking preventive steps is as crucial as fixing existing issues. That’s where HOTROD Septic Treatment comes in. With our biological technology, our additives work together to mimic your own digestion process. By integrating this treatment into your system, the large molecular structures of problematic materials like grease, oil, and paper are broken down into tiny, manageable fragments, taking extra stress off your septic system. The benefits don’t stop there. By keeping clogs and blockages from developing, flow to and from the tank flows smoothly all the time, keeping wastewater from stagnating or pooling in the drain field and making it easy for water to flow through the soil. This not only enhances drainage but also minimizes the chances of groundwater contamination.

Slow drainage is more than an inconvenience; it’s a sign that your septic system needs attention. Fixing the root causes by putting preventive measures in place to maintain the biology of your system ensures your system remains a silent, efficient ally in your home’s functionality. Buy HOTROD Septic treatment products here!

HOTROD 180 6 month Septic Treatment
HOTROD 180 6 month Septic Treatment
HOTROD 180 6 month Septic Treatment

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